
and Business Design

We know the opportunities and advantages that exist within the commercial and transformation industry when operating in a border region such as Tijuana, Baja California.

Management and business design

"Transform or die." Past returns do not guarantee future ones. If you want to stay in the market for the long term, you need to prepare a reinvention strategy.
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Business Creation and Restructuring

We create your company according to the need and your economic capacity; We also offer business restructuring and reengineering, which for reasons of growth and optimization of resources require a different model that efficiently meets the demands of your company.

Reinventing yourself is necessary from the beginning of any business, as long as the market evolves faster than it.

Company creation

The phenomenon of business creation is currently one of the most interesting globally. The ability of newly created companies to adapt quickly to changes in the environment, as well as their potential for innovation, makes these companies a key element in the development of today's economy.

We are the ideal option for anyone looking for an easy and agile way to create their business.

We are the ideal option to create your company

At Startnup, we specialize in developing growth strategies based on your operational and financial information;
The same that will allow the entrepreneur to make timely decisions and achieve their goals.

Business Reengineering

Business reengineering is an option to react to the current situation and its changes. It is focused on efficient processes that are based on customer satisfaction, it manages to eliminate the old way of operating companies.

It is starting from scratch, it is an all or nothing change, it also orders the company around the processes.

Business Restructuring

Restructuring a company is the difference between closing a business or surviving. It consists of the process of change in which an organization is involved to transform and adapt to a new business model that allows them to remain competitive and improve the operation of the company.

Firing staff is not always the solution, but a way to prolong the agony. Restructuring is a very valid way of undertaking.

We help you to do
what you are passionate about!

Schedule a free appointment today at our offices
We are in Zona Rio.
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