

Currently there are strategies that help improve the efficiency of resources for the greater benefit of the company. Our service consists of moving the processes of payroll and
partially or totally transfer the employer's obligations to our company.


* Payroll:
- Severance pay.
- Settlement.
- Vacations.
* Payroll stamping.
* Dispersion and payment.

Social Security

* Opening of employer registration.
* Registration and deregistration before IMSS.
* Control of incapacities.
* Issuance of IMSS and Infonavit quotas.
* REPSE processing and follow up.

Labor Administration

* Job description.
* Selection and hiring.
* Individual employee contracts.
* Internal work regulations.
* Follow-up and attention to employees.
* Resignations and dismissals.

Business Development

* Job description.
* Selection and hiring.
* Individual employee contracts.
* Internal work regulations.
* Follow-up and attention to employees.
* Resignations and dismissals.


* Opening of employer registration.
* Monthly IMSS declarations
* Bimonthly Infonavit declarations.
* REPSE processing.
*Four-monthly ICSOE and SISUB declarations.
* Positive opinion IMSS and Infonavit.
* Tax credits.

Receive a FREE consultation and know all the benefits and GUARANTEES OF OUR SERVICE.
Schedule a FREE appointment


Weekly or biweekly report according to dispersion period.
Telephone assistance six days a week.
Attention to employees to solve doubts or concerns derived from their labor relationship and payments.
Personalized assistance in the delivery and signing of employee contracts as well as in resignations and dismissals.
Systems and software included in the service.
Constant review and monitoring of compliance with INFONAVIT and IMSS obligations.
Avoid fines and surcharges as a result of a specialized service.

We help you to do
what you are passionate about!

Schedule a free appointment today at our offices
We are in Zona Rio.
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