

Our vision beyond "recruitment", we create working relationships that allow both the employee and the employer to establish healthy labor ties that generate loyalty and trust, resulting in higher productivity and lower turnover.

RecruitmentOf Personnel

Recruitment is the process by which the organization identifies and attracts future trained and suitable employees for the fulfillment of organizational objectives.

The talent of your company is the key to ensure 
the effective operation of your business!

The personnel recruitment processes are tailor-made for you, selecting loyal employees with value.

Direct or indirect recruitment

The effective way to hire the right staff without having to invest time in recruiting, having the certainty and confidence that they are the right candidate to perform the functions that your company demands.

The people you should hire, we know them

We know how difficult it is to find the ideal candidate, coupled with that the high TURNOVER rates that exist in the region, finding that person or those people who are missing in your work team turns out to be a strenuous task. 

That is why our recruitment and personnel selection processes are assembled according to the needs present in your company, regardless of the profile and / or rank even if you do not have defined what you need. We will advise you!

Why recruit through us?

We find staff to stay
Consistent with our values, we want our clients to obtain viable solutions at the lowest possible cost.

In this sense, we motivate and create awareness in the candidates who undergo the selection processes so that they give value to the resources offered by the employer and the benefits that are obtained in the medium and long term.
We are a tool to obtain in-depth solutions
We are a specialized team and as such we seek efficiency in all aspects of the business. We understand that as an entrepreneur it is sometimes difficult to attend to the problems that arise on a day-to-day basis and especially when we work with people; That is why, based on our experience, we can provide you with the necessary tools and / or strategies so that situations such as rotation, work environment, low salaries, among others, are not a major problem or affect the development of your company.
We identify with employees and employers
Our experience and dealing with the community allows us to understand the social problems, culture and human needs of the entity, that is why we know what the employee expects from an employer or source of work, while, in our experience as entrepreneurs we also understand the needs of a business and the effort required to maintain a healthy company.

What does the recruitment and selection service include?

Contact us
Qualified talent attraction consultant and knowledgeable of the local labor market
Delineation and evaluation of the required profile
Interviews, evaluations of competencies, skills and honesty
Presentation of a shortlist of the most qualified candidates for the position
Monitoring of the recruitment and selection process of personnel
Response time agreement
30 to 45 day warranty

We help you to do
what you are passionate about!

Schedule a free appointment today at our offices
We are in Zona Rio.
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